This week, the area lost two men from the generation that newscaster Tom Brokaw appropriately coined "The Greatest Generation." We extend our sympathies to the family of William T. "Skee" Kinnis, PFC Army, 1942-45 Germany 83rd Div. Kinnis, 90, died on Saturday. Burial in Asbridge Cemetery.
Also, on Sunday, another veteran from Crittenden County passed away: William T. "Muff" Griffin, age 85, SSL 3/C Navy, S Pacific, 1944-1946. Burial in Dycusburg Cemetery.
A birthday party for Lola Mae Patton was held Saturday, Feb. 5 at the Seven Springs fellowship hall with nearly 85 in attendance. She turned 90 on Feb. 3. The family extends a warm thanks to everyone who attended and brought gifts.
The Dycusburg Community Group is gathering public commentary about a newly instituted project in Dycusburg. The DCG was approached to spearhead an effort to extend the guard rail or similar barrier at the bottom of the hill on SR 70 adjacent to the Cumberland River. Extending the guard rail, the group feels, is a necessary preventive measure. To weigh in with your comments, please e-mail dycusburg@yahoo.com or find Dycusburg.com on Facebook.
Share your news by e-mailing matthewtpatton@yahoo.com.