Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Southern Crittenden County News: Nov. 5, 2008

By Michelle Henderson and Matthew T. Patton

We extend our birthday wishes to the following: William Kinnis (11/1); Alexzander Conner (11/5); Makayla Smith (11/7); Edna Kinnis and Lakin Hunt (11/8); Katrina Boone and Tony Maxfield (11/13); Patsy Stephens (11/5); Cheryle Story 11/16); Christopher Elder (11/21); Jason Williams (11/22); Zach Brantley and John Tyson (11/29). Happy anniversary to William and Edna Kinnis (11/6); Bud and Wilma Allen (11/16) and Eddie and Donna Jewell.

Attendance at Sunday School at Seven Springs was 62, with a packed audience for the preaching.
Attendance at Frances Presbyterian was 35. Members held a Halloween party on Wednesday at the church with quite a few in attendance. Bro. A.C. Hodge celebrated his birthday on Nov. 1.

Our sympathies are extended to Bethany and Melissa Sherfinski on the death of their mother, Connie Voss.

Matthew T. Patton has a few copies of "Dycusburg, Kentucky: A Glance at Her Past," available for purchase ($50 for a limited time). E-mail or call 215-285-0920 for more information.

Dan and Michelle Henderson hosted a hayride in Dycusburg on Halloween, with 24 in attendance. Afterward, Jamie "Pug" LaRue told a variety of scary stories on the riverfront (scaring the children away!).

Billy Hogue caught a good mess of catfish and donated the fish for an upcoming fish fry.

The Dycusburg Community Group donated candy to the Dycusburg Baptist Church for its "Trunk or Treat." It was reported that several enjoyed the event.

Watch next week's issue for the next meeting date of the Dycusburg Community Group.

Some interesting blogs to check out for Crittenden County history are Brenda Joyce Jerome's blog: and Brenda Underdown's blog:

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